Friday, February 15, 2008

Menus By the Month

This week I have been inspired by another group of bloggers who have attempted to eat right this year. Sometimes the biggest obstacle in eating right is having a plan. At the beginning of our marriage somewhere between year one and two we did a monthly meal plan and we always ate right and had enough to eat. But somewhere along the way we got lazy or never felt like we had what we needed ($$) to plan out quality meals.
Even when short on cash know that this is a lie you are telling yourself. When it comes down to it and you are hungry, you will eat. And when you wait until it's too late McDonald's sounds a bit too good. We all know this is not a healthy option. So in an attempt to get back to an old tradition and at the same time try something new I am actually posting the rest of our menu for this month. Some of the links may not work for you as they link to files on my computer, however a good portion, especially the ones in the last week, link to the website where the receipes are found. HERES TO THE NEXT TWO WEEKS OF MMMM....MMMMM....good FOOD!!! ENJOY!


Melissa said...

Hey, Kristi! Just wanted to let you know that your questions have been answered by me
and Samara
Hope this helps!

simplicity said...

Good for you guys!!!! Hope it's going well!

Anonymous said...
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Melissa said...

Just thought I'd let you know that Ann-Marie posted her response for you!