Monday, February 4, 2008


Doesn't it just feel like Winter today (if you're in Chicago that is)? Snow, slush, cold. Fog. Rain. Rain? Guess it does rain in the winter. More snow tomorrow. And the day after. BLAH!

Earlier today I was thinking about how much I am looking forward to Spring.
But since there are few signs of Spring I paused at that thought and tried my best to think of reasons to enjoy Winter (especially since the good old groundhog said we have 6 more weeks to go!).

I guess you can call this a "live in the moment and appreciate where you" are kind of pondering.

In trying to muster up some good feelings about this Winter slump we are in, I forced myself to think of all the fun times that I have had in the snow. Whether it be with family, friends, or just standing outside by myself in awe of how quiet it is when snow is falling.

Fortunately my pondering brought forth a turning point. I was reminded of this past Thursday. My 70 year old grandmother in law (and in love) decided to start throwing snowballs as we were leaving church and walking to our cars on yet another snowy, cold, wet day. It was very out of the blue and made us all laugh. It's funny when a 70 year old woman under 5 ft tall decides to start throwing snow. All you can do is run (who would throw a snowball back at her?).

And then I am reminded, I don't have be so down and out about winter. I could take inspiration from someone older than me with many more reasons to complain about the snow and instead throw snowballs! This doesn't really fit my character. Guess I'm not a snowball throwing kind of girl. I fall under the category of "hurry up get in the car so you don't get too wet." But for the sake of enjoying the moment and living each day we are given to it's fullest, I am choosing to not focus on the blah of Winter. And maybe here and there I just might throw a few snowballs along the way. So look out, you might be next!

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